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My Favourite Hangout Place

I stay at home during the day and keep myself busy with different home tasks or kept myself busy in the virtual world. Most of the time I take a walk in the afternoon or the evening. In this short time, I need a nice hangout in a fine place without noise. Because I can spend a beautiful time in a quiet place.

Though I live in a railway surrounding neighbourhood, there are some places where silence exists most of the time. I choose these places for walking and accomplishing my outing with comfort. This place is quite familiar to me. I walk here most of the time. I also sit next to a railway line where the trains don't go on much. These lines are for checking the engine.

Assistant loco master, railway employees periodically run the engine here. So most of the time some railway line remains free. I love to walk through the railway lines. The environment of this place is awesome.

A few times I can't roam outside in the afternoon. So I try to take a walk in the evening. In the evening it looks awesome when railway engines run on these lines. I stand there and take a look to enjoy this beautiful scene. It's also a pleasure to enjoy the view of the magnificent moon from here.

The railway station is located near this place. A place in the railway station is also a nice hangout place for us. The railway station is placed in a huge area. There are so many sitting places where we can spend some time.

Because these places are located at the end of the station and passengers don't stop there so much. Moreover, it's the last platform and only local trains stop here. For these reasons, this platform remains crowd-free and we can sit here with friends for a hangout.

  • Device- Samsung S21 Ultra
  • Location- Parbatipur, Bangladesh