Beautiful photo of lotus flower in water

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Hives Friends Everyone’s To All Good Morning And Happy Everyday And Welcome.To Visit My Profile And Thanks To All Hive’s Friend’s For Your Big And Good Support Me And I Am Very Happy Everyday.And I Hope Yours Are Happy Too.

You are correct that the waterlily, despite its resemblance to the lotus flower, is not closely related to the lotus family (Nelumbonaceae) or the waterlily family (Nymphaeaceae). The scientific name of the lotus flower is Nelumbo nucifera. While the lotus flower holds cultural and religious significance in many Asian countries, it is important to note that it is not the official national flower of India, although it is highly revered in Indian culture.

Here are some additional details regarding the waterlily and lotus flower:

1. Waterlilies (Nymphaeaceae): Waterlilies belong to the family Nymphaeaceae and are aquatic plants found in freshwater environments such as ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams. They typically have round or oval leaves that float on the water's surface and beautiful, fragrant flowers that rise above the water. Waterlilies are known for their vibrant colors, including shades of white, pink, and yellow.

image.jpeg Photo location of lotus flower Bangladesh.

image.jpeg Photo location of lotus flower Bangladesh.

2. Lotus Flower (Nelumbo nucifera): The lotus flower, scientifically known as Nelumbo nucifera, is a sacred plant in many Asian cultures, including India. It belongs to the family Nelumbonaceae. Lotus flowers are also aquatic plants, growing in shallow waters, and are known for their exquisite beauty and symbolism. The lotus is often associated with purity, enlightenment, and spiritual growth.

image.jpeg Photo location of lotus flower Bangladesh.

image.jpeg Photo location of lotus flower Bangladesh.

3. National Flower of India: The national flower of India is the Indian Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera), also known as the Sacred Lotus or the Indian Waterlily. The Indian Lotus holds great cultural and religious significance in India and is closely linked to various aspects of Indian mythology, art, and spirituality. While it is not constitutionally declared as the national flower, it is widely recognized and revered as a national symbol.

IMG_5629.jpeg Photo location of lotus flower Bangladesh.

IMG_5631.jpeg Photo location of lotus flower Bangladesh.

IMG_5632.jpeg Photo location of lotus flower Bangladesh.

IMG_5627.jpeg Photo location of lotus flower Bangladesh.

It's fascinating how these flowers, though distinct, have captured the imagination and cultural significance in various parts of the world.

I think you will like this beautiful lotus flower photo photography. And the purpose of such beautiful and wonderful photography is to share the beautiful pictures among you and spread the joy among Hive Blog. And if you like those pictures, then my daily work and hard work is appreciated and worthwhile!

I translate the Bengali language texts into English from Google Translate, if there is any mistake in the language, please look at it with forgiveness.

I you good luck and good health. Thanks 🙏 everyone @jaster family.

  • Photographer——@jaster Family.
  • Photography Category —— Lotus Flowers.
  • Device Camera — IPhone 12 Pro Max.
  • ISO ————— Automatic.
  • Current Location——— Gizan KSA.

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