Remembering My Childhood Moments in a Carnival

Hello Everyone☺☺☺

Hope all is good and safe😘😘😘

I will share with you now some of the happenings that I had during our Town Fiesta and remembering the childhood moments that I had in every fiesta in a Carnival. Before the said Town Fiesta came, my boyfriend, our little man and I usually went to Local Government Unit Ground to watch the nightly shows that our LGU prepared.


And after watching we also stopped by in a Carnival to play Bingo. I don't know why I always wanted to play it. Maybe because this is one of my mother's favorite game. As I remember when my mother still alive I always accompany her in going to carnival every fiesta. I saw how happy she was when she is playing. That time I don't understand what makes her happy in playing it, now I fully understand.


And now I asked our little man if he wanted to ride the spider thing. And he said no. Maybe because, as you saw it, it's a bit scary. But lot's of teenagers are wanted to ride it, and honestly me too but on the other side I'm scared. So I just took a photo on it. And aside from the spider, ofcourse the all time favorite of a child including me when I was a little. The very famous "Carousel". As I remember when I was 7 years old, as I entered the carnival that time, I cried so loud to my mother and father because I wanted to ride it. They don't want it because I might fall. They didn't want to ride too to accompany me because my mom have her head ache, so in order for me to stop crying my father did it. It was a memorable thing that I will never forget in my entire life. It's indeed a happy moments of my childhood.



That's all for now everyone. Keep safe always. God Bless and Thank you for your unending support to my blog always☺☺😘

truly yours,


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