A Different Kind of Random

It is #sundayrandom again with me. For today I have a very different kind of random Sunday. Because today I want to mix between the macro shot and the regular shot and compile them in my Sunday random post.

I am also back into my bad habit, because the time that I am supposed to use to edit my photos and make post, I spend it mostly scrolling on social media. The addiction is real, and I still could not find a way to stop it. Last time I used it to watch some educational or tutorial videos, but lately, I spent purely on Instagram. hahah.

Anyway, I will start the Sunday random with the macro shots first. It is a small wasp that I found laying on the fallen leaf.



And then these are some random shots that I took around my house some time ago. The first one is the frangipani tree with a cloudy sky as the background.


One corner in my neighborhood.


The reflection on the mirror that my neighbor put on his wall.


Photo StyleMacro PhotographyAccesoryMeike Extention Tube / 50 mm
LocationBali, IndonesiaLightingExternal flash
GearCanon EOS Kiss X8iDiffuserCekrek Diffuser
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