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The HBD raffle for Camping Club Hive CCH -8-

The raffle -8- for the Camping Club Hive Community. I am curious how this will develop
Victory decide Random Winner Picker


The first raffle for the Camping Club Hive Community, I will provide 3 HiveDollar HBD for 2 winners.

First Place: 2 HiveDollar HBD
Second Place: 1 HiveDollar HBD

Rules of the raffle

Leave a comment. For example. I take part

It's not complicated how it looks.

Upvoters, commentators and remnants are automatically included.

Please only participate with one account. the bots are excluded from the competition.

The winner of the current raffle will always be announced in the following post.

Today's winners are

@boneym @quinnertronics
You will receive your HiveDolars shortly. Thank you for participating.

NEXT ROUND if you want to take part, write a comment

The raffle will be held with permission from @visionaer3003
Thank you for participating and good luck 😀