Seafood basil & pork leg stew, oh my godmothe

Hello ❤️ Hello, today we have a lunch menu to present to you friends. Today's menu is the most delicious menu in the three worlds and the easiest. It has not complicated ingredients. It has only a few ingredients, but it's delicious. This is considered to be the most popular menu in Thailand. This menu is... Stir-fried basil.. It's a very popular menu. If you can't think of anything, just stir-fried basil. It depends on what kind of stir-fried basil you're making. Pork has basil, chicken also has seafood basil. It's up to the person who comes up with the menu. Stir-fried basil menus throughout Thailand are called desperate menus, but it's a very delicious menu, everyone. Today the menu we recommend is...sea basil..our ingredients balls..coarsely pounded chili and garlic..the following ingredients are fish sauce..oyster sauce. .Soy sauce..seasoning sauce..a little sugar..and the basil leaves that are indispensable. We have prepared all the ingredients and then we can start frying them. Put the oil in a pan, heat it up, add the chilli and garlic that we pounded. When you want to fry them until fragrant, add the shrimp and squid and the fish balls that we cooked. Then stir-fry, followed by a little fish sauce, seasoning sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, taste as you like, followed by basil leaves. You see, it's very easy to make, the easiest in the three worlds, and the most delicious in the three worlds. Oh

The next menu is stewed pork legs...our ingredients are pork legs, which they have already burned because of the bones, then take bite-sized pieces of food and 8 boiled and already peeled eggs, stewed sticks, stewed powder, 1 packet of palm sugar, half a kilogram. Three spices that have already been pounded with garlic, pepper, and coriander roots are finely chopped. Let's see how to make them. How to make Nam Klao, stir-fry until fragrant, followed by vegetable milk powder until fragrant, add soy sauce, seasoning sauce, stir-fry the cut pork until the pork is cooked, add water, followed by palm sugar, fish sauce, a little seasoning powder, we keep touting. Simmer over low heat. When the pork is cooked, add boiled eggs and simmer for another half an hour. It's done. Reduce the pieces as you like. There will be 3 flavors: sweet and salty, garnished with coriander for Making palo

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