Journey Alone From Phuket to Tak Province

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Hello everyone

For the past couple of days, I'd been busy prepping my car for a big trip. After giving it a thorough check-up and taking care of all the necessary paperwork like renewing the car tax and insurance, I was ready to hit the road. So, bright and early this morning, around 6:00 a.m., I fired up the engine and set off from my home in Phuket province, bound for Tak province. It was a daunting journey ahead, stretching over 1300 kilometers, and what made it even more intimidating was that I was doing it all solo for the first time.

As I pulled out of my driveway, the darkness still clung to the edges of the road, enveloping the surroundings in a blanket of shadow. With the faint glow of streetlights guiding my way, I navigated the quiet streets of Phuket province, the only sound being the gentle hum of the engine.


As I ventured further into Phang Nga Province, the first hints of dawn began to paint the sky in hues of pink and orange. The sun peeked tentatively over the horizon, casting its golden rays across the landscape. With each passing moment, the world around me slowly awakened from its slumber. As the sunlight grew stronger, it illuminated the road ahead, revealing every curve and contour with clarity. The once-obscured path now lay before me, a clear and defined route to my destination. The beauty of the countryside unfolded around me, bathed in the warm glow of the morning sun.



As I merged onto the highway, leaving familiar streets behind, a mix of excitement and nervousness coursed through me. The road stretched out endlessly before me, winding through towns and countryside, a path to the unknown. With each passing mile, I found myself gaining confidence, overcoming the initial jitters that came with embarking on such a long journey alone. Yet, the challenge remained ever-present, a reminder of the feat I was attempting to conquer.

Hours turned into miles, and the scenery changed gradually as I journeyed onward. The sun rose higher in the sky, casting its warm glow upon the landscape, a companion on my solitary adventure. Despite the occasional setbacks like traffic and roadworks, I pressed on, determined to reach my destination. The thought of arriving in Tak province spurred me forward, driving me to push through any obstacles that stood in my way.




As I cruised along the highway, I knew it was time to refuel both my car and myself. Pulling into a gas station, I filled up the tank and then headed inside to use the restroom and grab a quick snack. After freshening up and grabbing a bite to eat, I felt re-energized and ready to hit the road again. Throughout the day, I made sure to stop periodically for meals and rest breaks.

Whether it was at roadside cafes or rest areas, I took the time to stretch my legs, grab a decent meal, and give myself a break from the monotony of driving. These breaks helped me fend off the fatigue that comes with long hours behind the wheel. With each stop, I felt refreshed and ready to tackle the next leg of my journey.





At around 5:40 p.m., I finally reached the dormitory area opposite Rangsit University, where my niece is a student and resides. Since I planned to spend the night there, I dropped by her room. After settling in and unpacking my bags, my niece suggested we grab a bite to eat at one of the nearby restaurants. We strolled over to a restaurant close by, and I immediately noticed the vibrant atmosphere and the sheer number of dining options available. Compared to the prices back in Phuket, where everything tends to be on the expensive side due to tourism, the food here was incredibly affordable.




Seated at a table, we ordered a variety of dishes, focusing mainly on Isaan cuisine for its renowned deliciousness and spiciness. The flavors were incredible, and each dish had a burst of taste and aroma that left me wanting more.








After enjoying our hearty meal, we headed back to my niece's dormitory room to freshen up and get some rest. Tomorrow was going to be an early start for me, as I had a long journey ahead of about 500 kilometers to my younger sister's house in Tak Province.

The warm water of the shower was refreshing after a day spent on the road and indulging in delicious food. Once we were clean and comfortable, we settled in for the night, knowing that a good night's sleep would be crucial for the journey ahead.

Thank you for your support



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