Paper Stepper Box, How to Make it

Hello Everyone!

Today I make a paper stepper box. I have made this kind of box before. But what I made was a square shape. This one is a triangle shape. For this one, I need to make four boxes of the same size. I show you how to make this one easily with pictures step by step. I think it is more unique than the square shape because it is a triangular box. I make these boxes using color paper. Use flower paper for the cover.

Needed materials

colored paper
flower paper

I make four boxes in the first step. I take yellow and pink paper. I measure and cut each them with 19cm, 5cm . I fold it in half and glue it. I measure 6cm, 6cm, 6cm, 1cm on the paper. I draw a line with 1cm on the other side.I make a box by folding and gluing it according to those lines. I make another three boxes by the same way. I cut eight pieces of paper such the size of a box. I glue two of them in a box.

In this step, I cut the flower paper by measuring 18cm ,5cm. I glue this paper again with pink paper. The paper is measured and folded 6cm, 6cm, 6cm. Three boxes are glued as shown on this paper. The rest of the box can be used as a cover. If you want to make a big box like that, you can make it according to your own measurements. For this one, I do not make any flowers or leaves to decorate.

I really love it after making it. It's so cute and useful for lightweight items. It's not too difficult to make. But it takes a lot of patience because of the details. I also take beautiful pictures. Thank you so much for your reading my post to the end.

September 21,2022
Written by @asterkame
By my photos & made by me

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