Mini Notebooks, How to Make them

Hello Everyone!
Today I make mini notebooks. This is made by folding two sheets of A4 size paper. I make two notebooks of the same size and draw on them. I have never made notebooks like this. They are easy to make and cute. There are pictures and write with texts on how to make them step by step.

Needed materials
colored paper

In the first step, A4 size white paper is folded in half. Fold it in half again. From that step, it is folded in half step by step to form sheets of paper. For the cover of the book, I fold A4 size red paper in half two times. Fold both sides to the middle line. This is installed step by step as cover as shown in pictures. Do not need any glue when making those steps. The next step is to draw on the book as shown. I think it will be nice to decorate on it with other paper flowers or stars.

There are another notebook with purple cover. I really like them after making them, because they are so cute. But need to be patient when making them because I want to be neat them. I also take beautiful pictures. Thank you so much for your reading my post to the end.

October 10, 2023
Written by @asterkame
By my photos & made by me

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