Beautiful & Colorful Paper Photo Frame

Hello Everyone!
Today I make a very beautiful paper photo frame. I make a purple frame on white cardboard by surrounding it with flowers and leaves. I make those flowers and leaves by folding the paper. I need to make a lot of them. The flowers are rose pattern. There are many steps to make this one. The frame is also made by folding paper. I think that is very beautiful.

Needed materials
colored paper

The first step is to make flowers. For each flower, need to cut the paper by the same length and width. Fold it in half four times.Fold the paper inward according to those folding lines. Fold the two edges to the middle. Fold the other side by the same way. Spread those two folded areas. Need to fold four folding lines on that paper . So fold the whole as shown.In the next step, spread it to form a flower shape and fold the four corners to the back. After that, turn it around and bend the edges. By the same way, make different colored flowers of different sizes.

For the leaves, cut the paper as a circle shape and cut it in half. Fold each as wavy shape. Fold it in half and glue it to make leaves. For the frame, cut the purple paper by the same length and width with 21cm. Fold it in half two times . Fold the four corners to the middle point. Fold it like that again.Fold the four corners slightly outwards.

I cut the cardboard as a square shape and glue it with white paper. I glue the frame on it at first. I decorate with flowers and leaves on it. It's colorful and really special. I like it a lot. I also take beautiful pictures.Thank you so much for your reading my post to the end.

March 22, 2023
Written by @asterkame
By my photos & made by me

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