Macrophotography | Two types of plants and animals

Hello everyone

Come back with me at this meeting I will share two types of interesting pictures, of course these pictures will keep us entertained

In the nature that we love, of course there are lots of beautiful animals and plants that are even present around us, but we often forget about these blessings, so we should be grateful, this is considered trivial by some people.

One of the very beautiful animals that I share is that this animal looks like it is looking for food in the morning. However, I also took two interesting pictures of this animal so I was satisfied.

I try to display it beautifully and I hope that by editing this black and white image it will be more interesting and beautiful

Was standing on a leaf and I took a photo and that's how it turned out

Then I shared a photo of this mushroom which is also very interesting, but unfortunately mushrooms are not easy to find because usually we can easily find them in damp places. Here are some pictures that you can enjoy.

CameraSmartphone + Macro Lens
CategoryMacro Photography
LocationAceh Utara, Indonesia

Thank you to all friends who have visited my post, I hope you are entertained by all my photos, see you in the next post.

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