Macrophotography insects

Hello CCH Community

Hello friends

meet me again at this meeting I will share a beautiful and beautiful butterfly. My BoBoiBoy is opening its wings and looks like this, I really like it.

The butterfly is standing and alert of its prey. I can clearly see that this butterfly has very sharp eyes and then antennae that run at left and right speed.

Our butterflies can learn that to love beauty you have to look for a beautiful place and that beautiful place will bring you joy and tranquility and it will bring you to the body of happiness and continue to look for happiness for your life.

This way of seeing butterflies is full of perfection and sees very well and sees without flaws even though this butterfly is a perfect creation.

There are all my friends who love butterflies. Our study doesn't go away. Below I have provided several pictures for all of you. I hope you like and are entertained.

CameraSmartphone + Macro Lens
CategoryMacro Photography
LocationAceh Utara, Indonesia

Thank you to all friends who have visited my post, I hope you are entertained by all my photos, see you in the next post.

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