Looking for Peace at Ruma || 14 Ramadan

Hello my friends, everyone, good morning, happy activities and happy fasting, may our deeds of worship be accepted by Allah and may the best be with us. Stay enthusiastic and always do good wherever we are so that we always do good things and hopefully we can achieve all of this.

On this occasion I will also make my post about looking for peace or usually hanging out and this is precisely to make something better and look for Calmness so that we are always in a place that is always comfortable and we will always be happy when we can do these good things.

I can sit in this place because of my friend, when my friend never invited me, in fact I would never sit in this place and this is the umpteenth time I have sat in this place. I was really happy when my friend invited me to a place like this because it's rare for me to find places like this because I'm used to sitting in coffee shops.

Of course, when we are invited to sit in a place like this, we are women and at least our fellow men, when looking for peace, sit in an angkringan. And if the thing we usually sit in is still a coffee shop, that's the place in our time. Even so, we always keep the best and we always look for the best and always be the best among others.

Maybe that's all I can say on this occasion. Hopefully what I say can be useful for all my friends. Friends, thank you for supporting me and also supporting me so that I can survive until now and I hope you all.

CameraOppo F7 Youth
LocatedAceh, Indonesia

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