Greenery around my friend's house || Takengon - Place

Hi all Friends at CCH,

Hello everyone how are you I hope we are doing well and hopefully what we can do today can be the best for ourselves and also for other. And on this day too we must be enthusiastic in carrying out all our activities and hopefully these activities can bring extraordinary results.

On this occasion, on this happy night, I will share a story about a place that I took randomly, And I will also explain it one by one with what I know about it, hopefully this will be something interesting and make friends like my posts. Always excited for all my friends.

Initially, when I saw this green view, it really spoiled my eyes because we have often seen views like this, but what is different from the others is this place, We can see the seriousness around Lake Tawar and that is what makes this place even more extraordinary when we see it.

Secondly, when I didn't go to this place, I also didn't know how beautiful the surrounding villages really are and this is quite extraordinary. And that is the status of being grateful when you are in a place like this because together with seeing incredibly beautiful things you can see the lake and also the mountains around you.

Maybe that's all I can say at this opportunity, I hope the random story that I gave this time can be something interesting. And hopefully stories like this can make us more productive in making a work and hopefully that work can also be imitated by many people.

That's all I can say on this occasion, may it be a blessing and also useful for all of us, And I also thank you for visiting my post, See you in my next post.

CameraOppo F7 Youth
LocatedAceh, Indonesia

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