Fajr Tausyiah at the Islamic Mosque

Good evening my friends, wherever you are, you must never change to be the best, and you must also be able to do what you want, you can add more must be enthusiastic to carry out activities that are beneficial for ourselves, Always be healthy for all of us, our bodies must be healthy, and because our episode is still long

On this occasion I will also discuss a little about something that is good to learn from, namely listening to tausyiah. Tausiyah is usually made when the congregational prayer is finished, and then after every noon and evening prayer during the month of Ramadan there is a tausyiah. For all of us to learn to gain knowledge which we have to learn all this time.

After the last 10 days of the fasting month of Ramadan there is i'tikaf in the month of Fasting, and at that time there is tausyiah and we can also increase our worship for the best. The simple thing is that reading the Koran can also be done for worship and that can be done alone without congregating with a lot of people.

Tausiyah like this is done and made everywhere in the mosque and then now people can worship wherever they are so worshiping like this can make us able to get closer to Allah SWT and we can be better in the future and we can always become something very extraordinary The spirit of worship in worship.

Yes, maybe this is all I can say, I say this can be useful for all my friends and I hope our deeds of worship are accepted by Allah. B

CameraOppo F7 Youth
LocatedAceh, Indonesia

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