Eating Grilled Chicken on Weekends

Hi my friends everyone good night have a good rest and in this break time allow me to write a few things about the poster image below. This is a picture of me and my friends when we all had a weekend together or the current language is healing together by grilling and also eating together, The point is we all gathered together.

we gather together because it's time for us to be together because every time we sit together we just drink coffee and share together, and we do moments like this when we all have free time so we don't get bored just sitting together drinking coffee.It's more interesting when we do it together.

And what's unique is that we only eat grilled chicken rice and grilled sausage plus soy sauce. We drank watermelon water and added cold milk and that alone made us feel comfortable and even I myself was full. And I didn't want to lose any more when it didn't fit or was no longer strong, I wrapped it up to eat again at home.

And the interesting fact is that when we eat like this there are no leftovers left behind and because of that we are hungry when cooking and also want to try the food. I personally like it when I cook like this because when I go out and eat food like this, if I eat it at a food stall at home, that's something I do often.

It would be good for friends and anyone else to be able to try something like this because of solidarity and trying new things. And of course, when we try, never complain because that is what togetherness means.

So that's just a little story of togetherness and also the taste of what is interesting about this picture and also this food for me is really extraordinary. Hopefully we'll meet another time.

CameraOppo F7 Youth
LocatedAceh, Indonesia

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