A Horse With The Speed Of An Aeroplane?

Hello everyone ✨

When the word ideal is mentioned, it connotes perfection. It's worthy to note that this perfection may only be a fiction of our imagination because our minds is the closest we get to perfection.


Image source||Edited with canva.

I'm not one to go out to places a lot but whenever I do, I always aim for all round comfort which includes my means of transportation. If I was given the opportunity to create my ideal means of transportation, it would be a horse with the button that can control speed.

Different means of transportation have their different speed ranges. A bike would not have the same speed as an aeroplane nor would a bus have the same speed as a rocket. But what if..?

What if you could have all these speed ranges in one and it's left for you to alternate the speed as you please. You want to move from San Francisco to the United Kingdom , your horse got you. You want to visit a neighbour, your horse still got you. Wouldn't that be nice? An all purpose horse would be a great addition to the world.

I love horses but I've only ridden a horse once in my life. That day, I was so terrified but still, I liked the "cowgirl" feeling.

How many people would it carry?

As we all know, horses are supposed to be treated with care. A horse shouldn't carry a lot of weight and as such, my horse would only carry two people at a time. This shouldn't be a problem because the horse has speed and it could reach destinations in split seconds.

One thing I would love about this means of transportation is the breeze. Anyone who has ridden a horse before would agree that naturel breeze would blow you. I get a bit nauseous when I'm in a car and the air conditioner (AC ) is turned on. I would pick natural breeze any day, any time.

So if you by any chance hear the neigh of a horse in your neighbourhood, it's probably me passing by. Or if you're walking on the street and a horse passes by with the speed of lightning, that's me on my way to Maldives or Estonia.

What kind of energy would it use?

This is the point where my imagination runs wild. The horse would have all kinds of gases in it. Ranging from vehicle fuel to aviation kerosene. When you're in a mission that requires speed, you tune the bottom to touch the aviation kerosene and in split seconds, the horse is moving with the speed of an aeroplane.

Disclaimer: this horse wouldn't be hurt in anyway. All these gases would be placed in a very different compartment, to prevent reaction with the horses natural anatomy.

This is getting more crazy with each additional sentence and so I'd like to put a halt here.

This my response to the prompt:

What if you could create your ideal means of transportation? How would it be? How many people would it carry? What kind of energy would it use?

More details on the contest can be found here

Thank you for your time

With love,wongi ✨

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