

Well, dictionary defines uncertainty as 'the state of being unsure of something,' but in the real sense uncertainty plays an active role in initiating depression as it finds it way into our emotions and feelings.
Uncertainty is aversive and associated with negative emotional states such as fear and anxiety.
Life is often fraught with uncertainty, as we cannot predict the future, constructing a framework to draw from, helps us in having a grounded idea of what our next steps might look like. But uncertainty try to mess up whole construction, giving out doubts and make us not so sure of whether we're doing it right. This particular feeling kill ideas.

Dealing with uncertainty, you have to;

  1. Be kind to yourself, so many people miss this concept, they are always trying to please others even at their comfort risk.
  2. Reflect on past successes, try to engage your favorite memories in your mind whenever you're depressed.
  3. Avoid dwelling on things you cannot control, they tends to destroy your emotional stability.
  4. Take your own advice, this should have been the first because it's a priority, how are going to solve issues if you don't believe in yourself?
  5. Seek advice from people you trust, especially the elderly ones, every occasion is an opportunity to learn from them.

If you're out there struggling with uncertainty, all you need is 'trust in yourself', uncertainty is a feeling and there's no medication for it. A piece of self esteem and a reliable source of information is enough to engulf it.

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