Understanding and Coping with Loneliness|qc95

Yes, I have felt lonely. Loneliness is when you feel a heavy weight in your heart making you feel sad or disconnected from people around you, while being alone is simply being by yourself. You can choose to be alone but you can't choose loneliness, it just happens and everyone experiences it.

Image is mine
You might decide to be alone to relax, think and enjoy some quiet time. It can be peaceful and refreshing. But feeling lonely is an emotional state, it's feeling like no one understands you, you can be lonely even in a crowded space.

I remember several times at my place of work, even though we are much I sometimes feel lonely. Someone might talk to me and I'll just smile and respond and still feel no connection to them.

Whenever you're feeling lonely, here's what you should do:
First; you need to understand that this feeling is normal and every human experiences it. You're not alone in feeling lonely so be kind to yourself.

Next; try to reach out to people even if it's hard for you to do. If you're the type that find it difficult to start a conversation, you can start with just saying 'hi'.

Also try to join a club or association with people who have same interest as you. This can help you build relationships you never expected.

Also practicing self care is really important as loneliness can be really draining. Try doing something you love or reading books you love, this can boost your mood and make you feel more connected to yourself.

In severe cases of loneliness, speaking to a therapist can help go a long way. A therapist can help you find strategies and ways to cope with loneliness and build meaningful connections.

Remember, feeling lonely doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. It's a human emotion that everyone experiences at times.

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