Overcoming my fear

The thing that scares me the most is losing someone I love, like my family or friends. The thought of them not being there anymore makes me feel really scared and sad. It's because they're so important to me, and I don't know what I would do without them. They're always there for me, supporting me and making me feel loved, so the idea of losing them is really hard to think about.
I remember how I felt when I heard the news of my mom's death, it was something I couldn't explain, I don't want to feel such again.

To overcome this fear, I try to focus on cherishing the time I have with them. I spend as much time as I can with my loved ones, making memories and telling them how much they mean to me. I also try to stay positive and appreciate the moments we share together. By focusing on the present and making the most of our time together, I can lessen the fear of losing them in the future.

I also try to remind myself that loss is a part of life, and while it's natural to feel scared, I can't let that fear control me. Instead, I try to focus on the love and joy that my loved ones bring into my life, and how lucky I am to have them. And even though I can't control what happens in the future, I can control how I respond to it. So, I choose to cherish every moment and hold onto the love that we share, knowing that it will always be with me, no matter what.
*image is mine. *

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