Learning from my teaching mistake

As humans we are prone to mistakes and it's part of us. No one can say that he or she is perfect. One mistake I've made was in my first teaching job. I was so excited when I got the job, I wanted to make the proprietress happy so I didn't complain when she gave me tasks to do and as time went on, I missed deadlines, I made errors and I was always stressed and exhausted. My boss noticed this and called me after school on day. She told me I had to manage my time better.

This taught me the importance of setting boundaries and managing my workload, it also taught me that it's actually okay to say no when I know I can't do it and it's also okay to ask for help. After the meeting, I made a plan to improve. I talked to my boss about my workload,I took lesser classes and focused on just one class, left the position of the HM (headmistress) because I needed to focus on my children's performance.

It took time, patience, and a lot of self-reflection to overcome this mistake. I had to forgive myself and learn from my errors. I became more organized and better at managing my time. My performance improved, and so did that of my children (the pupils), I was really proud of myself and so were the parents. They were happy that their children could read and sing (I was taking kindergarten then).

To anyone who feels they've made the biggest mistake of their life, remember that mistakes are part of being human. They are opportunities to learn and grow. Think about what went wrong and find a way to fix it. It's never too late to turn things around. Your mistakes does not define you; how you respond to it is what defines you.
Images used are mine

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