Fun activities I love doing

When it comes to having fun everyone has different things that is fun for them. Having fun is really important because it helps to keep life balanced, I like to do different things for fun depending on the mood I'm in. These are some of the activities I do to have fun:


One of my fun activities is reading. I love reading good books, be it romance, mystery, suspense, I'll read it. Reading is like going on an adventure, it helps me feel relaxed and happy.

Watching of movies is another way I live to have fun. Movies can make me cry, laugh and dream, I live watching action movies, comedy and romance, although I mostly watch action movies.

Cooking is another activity I find fun in doing. I enjoy trying out new recipes and preparing delicious meals for my family and loved ones, cooking allows me to be creative, sharing a meal with family, friends and loved ones is a good way to connect with each other.

Going on vacations, this is one of ways I love to have fun especially when I have to go with my family. Visiting new places that I have only heard about, trying different types of food.

Having fun is all about doing things that makes us joyful and relaxed. Personally, that includes; going for vacations, cooking, watching movies and reading. Each of these activities helps me to stay balanced.

*this is my entry to qc community weekly contest. Please read, like and comment. *

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