QC Contest: Why Do people Fail when Others Succeed

There are thousands of books out there on how to succeed financially, yet just a few people are able to attain this state of success. 85% of these unsuccessful people might have read one or two of these success books, got the knowledge , but still weren't able to break through and attract wealth. Some 15% of the successful people may not have read any of these books but became successful. Most times success seems to be a thing of luck rather than a set of systematic theology, the basic knowledge is fine but success happens to anyone irrespective of the fact that laws of success exist.

I've seen people who worked hard all the days of their life, toiling under the scorching sun, but all they had was only enough for their feeding and I've seen lazy people whose success was based without much input. People call this Grace and favor and it happens to anyone. No one can specifically tell why others get rich and others become poor. We've heard stories of slaves who became rich overnight- This, no one can trace to the outlined laws of success. Even though success is not guaranteed through hard work, there are certain principles that draws one closer to success and these are :

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Investment is one guaranteed way of becoming successful. One can only expect harvest if he has sowed. Thus, Investment in this sense may not only be money, but sometimes we sow out good deeds that pay us in the near future. There are people who became wealthy because of a kindness they showed years ago and there are people who invested money into a project that brought about their breakthrough. Everyone who succeeded at any point, invested something in the past

Faith and Positive Thinking

Faith the bible says can move mountains. Whatever we believe, surely comes to pass, it may not come suddenly but it does come. The cosmos seems to answer to faith. Most people who became successful knew they would even before it became a reality. They envisioned it and had the conviction that they'll become successful.

Tried Many Chances

Finally, people who have succeeded often don't try a thing and stop at it. They try many chances hoping one would have the best result. Luck sometimes catches up with them as they keep trying chances. No one knows where luck would come from, and that's the reason why they go with many chances. These sets of people are often successful.

However, success is more of a mystery than a set of laws. Two people may carry out the same task and get different results. However, success also isn't a reward given to sloths, it comes in search of someone already doing something.

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