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My Favorite Fictional Character

I'm not much of the movie type but at one point i got myself hooked up watching the spiderman movie. I have little or nothing in common with the spiderman, I can't throw webs nor throw objects , nor do whatever spider can, but it will be a special feeling to have an ability to crawl on walls, catch objects, and manipulate one's body to do what a spider can. The fascinating thing about fictional characters is that they're all heroes with one or more special abilities and this helps their chances of survival than a normal human with no ability.

The world is a place where security is highly desired. Yeah, you'll be haunted when you have one or two of these abilities but one will be more confident of his survival in times of chaos. One major trait of Spiderman is throwing of webs and his ability to use the web in fighting enemies. When it comes to being swift and throwing himself so high, he can do it. I think his fastness and swiftness is his major advantage over the others.

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Why spiderman is my favorite character

I know I'm not a movie frick, and seldom read novels to know how well to describe characters, however, I'll just state a few things that make me choose spiderman over all other superheroes and fictional characters.

-Still lives a normal life: The ability to live a normal life while being a superhero feels great. It's just a switch in the twinkle of an eye and can live a disguised life if you're not betrayed in one of the missions.

-Swiftness: A few other superheroes are swift, just like the flash who can run with the speed of light, but when it comes to fighting, I love how swift Spiderman responds to either defend or offend.

-His spider qualities: The web could be dangerous to any animal or person. It requires just a little effort to tie anyone down. I need an ability that doesn't make me put much effort. Batman is almost like every human except his ability to fly. Superman is weakened by a gem , Hulk may find it difficult fighting little things , a different one when it comes to spiderman.