Embracing the uniqueness of being real

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Authenticity is when you are genuine, unique or being original and truthful. Being authentic is being original, not trying to imitate or be who you are not.

often times people seem to be carried away by public influence by trying to adapt a certain lifestyle just to please others so being authentic simply means being true to who you are

It is important to be original because being original pays and the word truly needs to see who you are every individual have a unique and special quality that needs to be seen by the world so when you pretend to be who you are not by not being authentic that quality will not the seen

Being authentic helps you reduce unnecessary costs because you don't seem to live a fake life you don't need to impress anybody when you embrace who you are and the value that drives you by understanding your strengths and weaknesses and being honest to yourself accepting the fact that this is you, you tend to live an easy and unpressurized lifestyle

when you place value on yourself you tend to leave a life with principle and not allow the influence of peer pressure or the society affect you and your mental being.

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