Shaped By Life Event

Change is the only constant thing as far as life is concerned. We adjust to things and the situation of life. People tend to allow life to shape them both negatively and positively. Oftentimes these things come so as the shape and mould our lives either the hard way or the easy way, but the main aim must be accomplished.


Life constantly offers valuable lessons that shape our journey and guide our growth. Situations around us come to shape our life and help us grow to become better. Life has taught me lessons both with the hard way and the easy way and in all i can say that I am still learning because in every phase of life comes with a new package which will be unfolded, and when that happens i open myself to learn from that as well. I allow myself to learn the positive pattern which will help me grow rather than the negative pattern that might lead to regrets.

I have learned majorly that in life nobody can give me true happiness except myself, I am the custodian of my happiness and nobody else. So I shouldn't depend on people to make me happy, if the do that now when they are no where to be found what will be my fate. So I learn and cultivate a happy and joyful life, even in the midst of my pains and tears. And as much as that happens I learn to be positive about situations that surrounds me and I often see the result.

It is mostly said that to heir is human and to forgive is divine. Forgiveness is another important thing I have learnt, as far as life is concerned. I learnt that in forgiveness, I can only extend forgiveness to another when I have learnt to first forgive myself, without that it will be very difficult to forgive and to forgive others as well. I remembered an incident where I was accused of doing something meanwhile I didn't do it,and nobody get to asked me what happened except few of them. So when I discovered that this secret I confided in someone was never a secret anymore. I regretted confiding in the person, as such I had to forgive myself that and also forgive the person I involved. That hurt me so deeply, but I had to let go, free myself from the guilt and also forgive the other person. I decided not to hold unto that past and it's pains but I choose to move on. It's very easy to go through life living with regrets and focusing on the negative things of the past and that only limit my growth.

Focusing on my past mistakes, what hurts me, what didn’t work out for me can only stop me from the bright future I've envisioned. That is one of the incidents that taught me self- forgiveness as well as others.

In all i have been shaped positively by life situations. Although I'm still learning from them, because it brings about new lessons everyday, and what I have learnt so far has groomed me to become better.

Thank you for reading ♥️

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