Never Allow your mistakes to diminish your worth


We all strive for perfection, mistakes are inevitable we make it consciously or unconsciously, but in all we should be able to learn from our mistakes so as to prevent such from reoccurring.Making mistakes can be a valuable learning opportunity if we allow ourselves. Mistakes do not make us less of ourselves. Everyone who makes mistakes, learns from them, never makes such mistakes again.

I've made so many mistakes and so I can't undo the mistake, some brought about pains, tears, and regret being affected emotionally and physically. But I have to be strong, because its part of every growing process. While others bring excitement because the mistake was for good, but the did has been done so there is nothing i could do to change them, rather I have to accept it and learn from them. Although we get to learn and grow the hard way. I derived great lessons from most of my mistakes which have built, shape and trim some characters in me.
When i refuse to learn from my mistakes, i inflict unnecessary stress on myself as well as others, and I get to risk losing people's confidence and trust.
I'm not immune to making mistakes, because I am human, but the sincere truth about that is, I will simply apologize and carry on as before, without taking note of the mistake done, nor allowing myself to learn from the mistake, I'm always in danger of repeating the same errors so in every mistake made, i open up myself to learn from them be it negatively or positively.

Some mistakes made and lessons derived from them:
Seeking the approval of everyone is one mistake I made, and when that fails back it hurts. I got to learn my lesson, i got to learn that the more i prioritize what others expect from me, the more i turn my back on my own needs and identity, although i want to feel accepted and supported by the people who matter to me, but it becomes easier when the people are a good match for me, i don’t have to sacrifice parts of myself to fit in with them, rather they get to appreciate and support me without second thought.

Pretense: Pretending to be something I'm not, making choices that go against my values, following the crowd even when i know it’s not right. Though it takes courage to overcome this phase or tendency, as honoring what feels right for me might not sit well with others around me. I risk being rejected, which makes sense of self-worth to falter. This was one of the biggest mistakes I made, although I got to correct that mistake faster. I get to choose myself, be the best version of myself and appreciate my personality. I refuse to compete, get satisfaction with what i have, work hard to be better and achieve what I've set as my goals.

Living in self-guilt or self-pity: This has been a serious battle for me and mistakes I get to fight everyday, i always feel guilty for so many mistakes made, and that has built self guilt. We are human, rather than remaining in self guilt as a result of the mistake I make, i take a conscious step of apologizing not only that but becomes conscious in order to prevent such mistakes from reoccurring, if the mistakes keep occurring it becomes a character, and character or habit and that is easy to form, but hard to break so i try as much as possible to prevent that.

In conclusion, I am not awful, terrible or incompetent because of my mistakes and my confidence does not hang in the balance based on those mistakes I make. But I try to put those mistakes into perspective and maximize such time effectively for my growth.
Everyone makes mistakes, it's one thing we can’t get away without making them, otherwise we won’t grow. Mistake has built confidence and improved my self worth.

Thank you for reading ♥️
I still remain @pricelessudy

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