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Topic:what do you think about gossip and it role in our society, QC contest.

Hello beautiful and amazing people of this community,am here to here again and to take part in this week's contest,on the

Topic:what do you think about gossip and it role in our society,

do you think gossip has become an essential part to build bonds in society?


Personally,i view the word gossip as a report.
The word gossip usually don't go down well with the person who is the subject of discussion.
Gossip is all about reporting an information whether it's true or not
Most times the reports about the person may be rude,lies, unkind, true,destroying, downgrading and shameful.
Hence, gossip has a major role in our society, it is an essential part in building bonds between friends and some members of a particular group,it can also build trust,I strongly believe that it has the power to bring people together.
For we live in a society were conversation birth friendships,bonds, intimacy, entertainment,and sometimes a tool to kill boredom.
But for the good impact created by gossip, gossip helps in spreading informations to individuals,creating awareness of what is going on around them.
The reasons behind gossip is innumerable and it impacts,most times are harmful.
Some gossip causes more harm to the victim by destroying a person's reputation, also,wrong or false information may be released.
Therefore,in as much as gossips are not all together harmful,for it has it pros and cons,but it's important to restrain from the negative part of it.
build friendship and bonds without having to gossip,for it consequences may be beyond repair.