A celebration of Pride and rainbows

The QC Community hive-117084 is one of the generous sponsors each week for The Shadow Hunters /SMASh Contest. They award QUEERH tokens to each of the SMASh winners.

QC is an Ecency Supported Community. They host a contest each week-click link to see the rules. This week they ask you to write 200 words about Work- What is your job and what it the best part of it?

A new contest topic will be posted soon! Enter and win Ecency points and QueerH tokens!

QC is a community that celebrates all people. Decency and kindness is the rule!

June is Pride Month and the rainbow of colors celebrates inclusion and the wonder of the diversity of humanity. I love seeing the displays of Pride that can be found around the city

One of the grand displays is at One Musem Park. Itis a 62 story residencial building lighting up Chicago with a beautiful rainbow and celebrating Pride Month. These photos were take from near the steps of the Field Museum.

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive. Dalai Lama

Big Pride displays and small sidewalk chalk drawings! It's been fun to see an explosion of rainbows everywhere!

10% of this posts rewards go to hive-117084. Remember to support the communities and contests that you enjoy.

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