Greetings everyone, I'm glad to be participating in this week's contest as I found the topic interesting.
I want to believe that there is no one who hasn't adopted either a word, saying, phrase, slogan or quote which acts as a guiding principle in their life, and also help them live a purposeful life.
Just as everyone has their guiding principle, I do too and that is "Contentment" - to be satisfied and grateful for whatever little or much thing I have. Right from my childhood days, I have learnt to be contented all thanks to my exceptional parents who will always tell us,
"always be contented with what you have so you won't have difficulties in life"
I didn't have the privilege of being born into a wealthy family, we were just living by, managing the available resources that were coming in and happy that we have something to live on.
- Choosing to be contented has been the best decision of my life. I say this because it has helped me live a happier life as I do not feel stressed or anxious when the things I desire to have aren't forthcoming.
I remember the time I planned to buy a certain brand of electric blender which but the money I had then wasn't enough to pay for it at that particular time. Even though I needed the blender, I didn't bother trying to get it by all means which will affect my income, rather I kept it on the waiting list until I was able to save up for it and I finally did. I was happy because I was able to achieve that without putting undue pressure on myself.
By being contented, I do not have to live a life of regrets due to indulging in certain things that can derail me from minimalistic lifestyle.
I found that having contentment can help one be independent. Since you are okay with what you have, there won't be need to possess more which will make one get overly dependent on others to get them.
Contentment has greatly helped me to maintain a minimalistic life. I live a simple lifestyle, involving myself with only things that add value to my life, and only go for the things I need.
If I do not have the resources to take care of certain needs at a particular time, I do not worry or stress myself about it, rather I pick the most important ones and keep the rest on a to do list.Also contentment has help me not to acquaint or affiliate with persons or groups that will lead me living above my earnings as a result of indulging in activities repugnant to minimalism and yearning for more and unnecessary material possessions.
Furthermore, it has helped me to be grateful and satisfied with what I have, find joy in the simple things of life and enjoy the present more fully.
Through contentment I have learnt that happiness does not come from acquiring wealth or material possessions but from the little things of life like sharing and caring, showing compassion and empathy to others, and lending a helping hand to those in need.
Being contented has helped me to support, cheer and compliment other's achievements without feeling any iota of jealousy.
Contentment has helped me live my best life because I do not desire to covet things that aren't mine or even take over positions that do not rightfully belong to me.
By being contented, my self esteem has greatly improved, I am now more confident about myself, and that I can be whoever I desire to be and achieve my life's goals.
I think contentment is something one should strive for because it is an important part of living a meaningful life.
Thank you for reading
Still the #threadsaddict 😂
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