QC Community Weekly Contest #69 [Inspiration]

Inspiration in my own definition is remain motivated. Yes, sometimes, it can a qoute that reminds us of our goals in life. And each time it is said, we remain motivated despite challenges. Inspiration is like a trigger that push you to action. That's why I couldn't wait till tomorrow as soon as I saw this post by @queercoin about our moto this year. I have so many motto but the I choose to use this year is Remain calm and just smile

This week's topic:
Inspiration - What's your life motto? Why did you choose it? How does it help you live your best life?

My motto is keep calm and just smile

I chose this motto to use this year because of some challenges I faced last year especially December which wanted me to stop smiling let alone laughing. At a time, people started visiting me and I don't want them to me in a pitiful condition. I asked myself, what will I do now so that when people come to me, they get encouraged instead of telling me sorry several times.

What came into my mind was, just put on a smiling face. And that was what I did and only few people can tell how serious my health challenge was, others were some how confused if really I was sick. I comforted so many who came to visit me. My doctor said, my out look is great and expel sickness.

This has helped me so much. Remain calm and just smile have helped to look at serious things in a simple way. What others will cry and throw away their clothes, I will look at it and move on in life. Keeping calm especially when I am Insulted by those on authorities has made one of our Prof to say, I don't really understand this woman, what you think she will say something, she will not.

This life style was not easy for me at early stage but now, I can remain calm is serious situation, I can handle serious gossip as if it means nothing. I have come to know that, we came to this world with nothing and will go back with nothing too so why kill myself when death is very far from life 😂.

In conclusion, keep calm And just smile is a motto I will hold on to through out my life

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