QC Community Weekly Contest #60 , My Role Model


It is another week with interesting and educative topic. And at the same time interactive, yes, it has to do with role model, so sharing with you about my role model and what I have learn from him or her is something you will never forget in a hurry. Before I will tell you about what I have learned from some of my role model, let me talk a little what role model is.

What is Role Model ?

A role model is that person you look up to and try to imitate how he does things. The person serve as your motivator knowingly to him or not. In the family, parents are a role model to their children. Children tend to behave like them because they are learning from day daily.

At school, teachers are role model to the pulpils, no wonder it is very very important for parents to know the teachers of their children. Many children imitate how their teachers speak, walk or behave because he is with them daily.

In business, we imitate those whom we think they are successful, they behave well, or have good achievement in lives. In choosing carea, we look up to those who have succeed in that field and try to imitate them.

Do you have a role model?

Screenshot_20231107_200713.jpg Ambassador Japheth became my role model since 2015 without knowing he is my role model. Yes, He is a Man of principle, intergrity, honesty and accountability. He is a speaker, a trainer and most importantly humble. This his endearing qualities drew me close to him. It was this year may,2023 that I was able to touch him and we spoke face to face. So a role model maybe someone you read his book, watch his movies etc.

IMG_20231107_200550.jpg Mrs Innocent, is another powerful role model in my life, who never know she is. I say her first time may 2015 in an event that changed my life. She was one of the guest speakers in that event. When she told her stories a d how she came out of it, she won my heart. All this years, I have been looking up to her each life seems so tough. When I think there is no way out, I will remember that her success stories.

What do they do?

They are professional networkers. I call them guru because they know what it takes to build organization of people and help them succeed in network marketing.

What have you learned from them?

I have learned so much from my role models because, they have qualities I need to survive in country like Nigeria. They are committed to their business, they are honest, they are unstoppable, they don't give up easily. They don't believe in quitting. I have learned to be persistent in all that I do.

What do you like about them?

You can see that in their dressing, that they have a goal. They have mission and vision driven by passion. They have big dream and never allow anything to distract them. They are dynamic leaders who are flexible and reasonable. They love to stand out in whatever they are doing.


In conclusion, in any profession you see yourself, choose a role model or in another word a mentor. He or she must be someone who will be your motivator each time you listen to him. His success stories must be something that keep you going in life even in difficult situation. Your role model must be honest, accountable, someone who is committed to the top.

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