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FESTIVITIES: Christmas celebration 🎉🎉🎉🎉💯

What festivities do you celebrate in December?.........
The likelihood that someone is referring to a December event when they say "the holidays" is high. Although Christmas and New Year's Eve are the two holidays that December is most famous for, there are many other unique occasions to celebrate. These important holidays might inspire you to bake for a good cause, give a particular person an extra hug, or commemorate your pets.


How do you celebrate them?..........
There are a variety of additional ways to celebrate Christmas as well. Some people prefer to do so with friends and family, go carolling, watch Christmas movies, or make Christmas cookies. Christmas is always a special time, regardless of how you celebrate it.


With whom do you celebrate?..,...
Christmas celebration have no special people to celebrate with, you can choose to celebrate it with anyone of your choice. Some like I said in the previous paragraph choose to celebrate it with friends and families.


What traditions do you have to celebrate it?
Christmas, which is observed on December 25 by the majority of Christians, honors the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. According to Christian doctrine, this represents honoring the creator of human salvation as well as the rescuer of the world.

This is more like a season to show 💕 Love..

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