My Ideal Country, The Kind I Desired.

Hi everyone, it is a privilege to participate in this outstanding contest, kudos to @queercoin for bringing this mind-blowing contest, thank you so much.
The picture is mine.

What if you are allowed to create your ideal country?

I will, first of all, sit down and carefully plan in order, not to rush into making something I will regret later on, because, without a good idea, one will fail.

First I will bring Agriculture, and farming into my country both in raining season and dry seasons, that is introducing irrigation farming, and engaging the country in food production.

Health Services, I like the health sector to be of a good standard having every facility needed in the hospital available, and high-quality trained doctors available, make sure attention is given to the health sector, so my people won't suffer when it comes to their health.

Education: introduced a high standard and quality education, because when time is given to the education of my people they will not go to another country to be educated, make sure every facility needed to run the education of my country be made available.

Electricity: The issue of electricity will not be taken for granted because when there is an electricity industry and factories will run easily, then the economy of my country will be strengthened.

Good Water: when there is the availability of good water the health of my people is secure.

Quality Roads and Securities: when there is good road and security you won't be afraid to travel at night, I will make sure the security of my country is t strong.

Laws: I will make sure that good laws are set for my country, I will use the bible to bring out the law of the country, because where there is no law people will want to live a lawless life.

Thanks for your time

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