ABOUT MY FAVOURITE SONG. Entry for #30 weekly contest


My beautiful entry for week #30 engagement which has the theme music.
Music is different thing to different people. But I see it as life in itself because of the impact are magnificent and amazing.

What is your favourite song?

I think everyone is involved in music either directly or indirectly. My favourite song Give thanks by Don Moen. I respect the singer with high esteem and I so much like his devotion, commitment to the things God. His songs aren't difficult but very inspiring and life touching.

Why do you like it?

It took me lots of breath before I could even come up with a favourite song because it's very difficult to fathom which one is which. I chose this song simply because it speaks volumes to me and is more than a song to me. When you remembered where God picked you from and where you're now, you'll know that we need to give God thanks.
Most at times people find it difficult to appreciate God because things didn't work out the way they want. Giving God thanks has nothing to do with

How does it make you feel?

I have come to realised that it's not only medicine that cures but songs does a lot beyond comprehension.
A man possessed with a demonic spirit was delivered as a result of song. In another instance, this man whom I knew was hospitalised but when a beautiful song was played, he stood up from the bed and started walking that's how he was made whole.

Not just other people's experiences but for me personally song really uplift my spirit. I was emotionally disorganised but eventually when the song was played I became totally changed.
Sometimes music gives inspiration or a source of inspiration and at times it energises and revitalise one's heart.

Certain battles in life are won via songs just like the falling down of the wall of Jericho and the battle between the Israelites and their enemies which they overcame.
Don't joke with songs.

thanks for visiting my blog and all the comments appreciated. Hope you enjoyed my entry.
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