The Uneventful Event

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Life - What events have shaped your life and why?

When people commend my simplicity and quietness attributes, I laugh at them because most of them just give me accolades based on my aura and physical appearance which they see from afar, they actually do not know about me and only those who are very close to me understand that I am a shade of all colours but choose to be who I am when I am outside, it is called "Steeze" or better still "Composure".

Every day when I go out, see people, talk to people, interact with people, and most especially listen to people talk about their experiences, and I am allowed to share with them, I let them know my experiences too and I was only able to gain that insightful knowledge through these experiences and the was because I lost my Father at a tender age.

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I knew my life plans, I knew the silly things I had planned out to do back then even while I was still in Senior Secondary School and I knew that I would get away with whatever I did because of my father. Yeah, right, you heard me, we were what I could classify as the "Middle Class" in society, back then, I had everything at my beck and call, I got whatever I wanted, was a daddy's girl, didn't have any reasons to think or worry about anything because I had a father who was ready to go all out for his family and the finances we're there.

I was always pampered and always got the life I desired and got what I asked for, I had my whole life well planned, and few of the things I had planned and mapped out for my life, I was sure would and were against the plan my dad had for me, it was a life of irresponsibility, waywardness, void of responsibility, violent, and not having empathy about anyone but myself.

So, yeah, among all the events that have happened in my life, the only event that shaped not only my life but my thought patterns, character, and way of life was the death of my father.

It made me responsible not just for myself but for my family, it helped me think deeply and carefully about every decision because I knew and was conscious that whatever decisions I made would mare or make myself and my family, I became aware that I had younger ones who were looking up to me, I became responsible, more considerate, and knew that my decision, actions, inactions would not only affect me but also those around me.

This is my entry to QC Community Weekly Contest #90 [ENG/ESP]

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