My Childhood , A Moment I loved The Most

A Nigerian musician sang a song titled "Adulthood na scam" where she outlined the tough moments adults go through to make ends meet. Since I became an adult, all I know is struggle, struggling for almost everything, most especially to live to the expectation that I'd become better than my parents. While we struggle, time is changing and this is only making things difficult. The only time I had true happiness with no worries was in my childhood and I still remember this time vividly like it was yesterday.

I grew up under the care of my grandmother. She wouldn't allow me to do anything because I had an illness which the doctor recommended that I do no hard Jobs. So while other of my siblings worked, I either went to play or sat and watched them work. It wasn't a perfect life, but it was a moment in my life where I could be anything and no one would judge me and less was expected from me. I didn't have to force myself to work, and instead of caring about others, I was the one who was being taken care of. I didn't have to struggle, I lived freely and all I worried about was me having a good time with my peers.

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But that was then, things had changed, doctor's recommendations no longer matter now. Even when it's not safe, I put myself out there to work because there's a high expectation for me. Things I wasn't allowed to do in childhood, I force myself to learn them now , and it seems as if life is all about toiling. My childhood is a time I loved the most, I can only wish that I could go back to those days. They're now only wishes.

This is in response to the Contest by the QC community. The contest is opened for participation

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