How I spend My Day off

Working from Mondays to Fridays can be tiring, sometimes the weekend isn't enough to recover from the stress and all one desires at that moment is a good rest. One popular saying back in my secondary school days was work without play makes Jack a dull boy. This means, one needs a time for fun even as we get busy pursuing our daily activities. My work requires me to wake up before 7 AM and resume office before 8 AM daily and sometimes closes by 6 PM. This daily routine wears one out with time and what one desires at that moment is a good sleep and sometimes some fun and this leads me to the question,"what do I do during my day off?".


At this moment my bones are weary, and my skin is sore from stress and all I want to do at that moment is sleep. Sometimes I have to keep some chores pending while I give my body a good treat with 5-6 hours sleep. I know my body needs it to rejuvenate and become energetic for other undone tasks, so I give myself a good sleep with my phone on silent to avoid disturbance.

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Attend To Chores

One thing work steals from us is time, time to wash, time to attend to a task one has at heart. So after getting some rest I attend to all the chores I have abandoned for days after which I give myself a treat later that evening if I find it necessary.


Later that evening on the same day, I would visit a few friends, someone I have not seen for a long time. Sometimes I may choose to invite someone over or do the visiting, but then I try to go see a friend whose Work has made us keep a distance. A good laugh with a friend and a good meal together makes the evening fun.

This is in response to the Contest by qc-community. It's opened for participation

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