Change Is constant

The only constant thing in life is change. This is influenced daily through life's vicissitudes, environmental factors, growth, or the natural factors. As long as a man lives, there's always a change and a causal-factor. Since I became an adult, most activities I do often require me to settle in a strange land, a place with a different culture and tradition. This had made me learn the culture of others and had helped me to adapt to a new environment and culture.

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I grew up to be so soft, always hiding from anything that causes trouble usually to my detriment. This made me timid at a point, unable to stand up for myself. In the process of trying to seek peace, I got cheated because I frightened myself from anything that seemed like trouble not until I stayed in Ekiti for my compulsory 1 year service. The street I stayed in had people who were troublesome, trying to stay in my space was impossible and soon my gentle nature opened a room for a bully until it got to a point where I needed to throw away all protocol of gentleness.

Soon my timidness was out of the window and I gained back my stand. Staying in Ekiti at first was hard, trying to cope with all the troubles but at last I was able to become strong in dealing with troubles that I often shied away from over the years and this had made me cope with whatever environment I find myself in. I am peaceful where peace is honored and a core survival where it's demanded. To have left my initial environment really shaped me to be a man that I am today.

This is in response to the Qc-Community contest. The contest is opened for all

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