Centralization versus Decentralization

The major difference between Decentralization and centralization lies in their authorities. A point in which data is controlled whether by a central authority or by individual users. Decentralization has no central authority in which data is controlled and has no command chain, it's a system that allows users to take full control of their data in a platform while centralization has a central authority who is in control of data and makes policy on data usage. We shall be having a look at the difference between decentralization and centralization stating their advantages and disadvantages.



One of the major advantages of a decentralized system is the control that stays with users. No regulations on how to interact or use your data and no policing or censorship to some extent. User's data in decentralized Blockchain cannot be altered or deleted by authorities, as it is in twitter, Facebook, and other platforms that still practice a centralized government.

Decentralization not only ends with control but also supports open development. It gives room for decision making and creativity to users, as users are not patterned to act in a particular way as defined by authorities.



Whatever has an advantage, does have a disadvantage. Some of the disadvantages of a decentralized system is that; Decentralized platforms are not easy to use, conflict of interest, crime due to its anonymity, volatility, and cost of maintenance.



One of the advantages of centralization is quick decision making as there are fewer nodes or people in the table of decision making. It's ease of use, low maintenance cost, and a defined command chain where users know their roles.


One major disadvantage of centralization is its scalability limitation with a single server to execute users' requests. Others are the lack of security, where a user's data can easily be hacked or jeopardized and the central control that denies users the freedom to be creative.

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