A Role Model From Afar

Unlike most individuals who have role models, I found myself learning from my past. I have grown up in an environment where we weren't privileged to watch great men and share their dreams. My major focus was to improve myself but I didn't know how. I was not introduced to books nor was I privileged to watch TV programs with thought-provoking ideas. How could I when I grew up with my grandma who preferred the analog systems. So I saw myself as my model and my past a point of focus on where to improve.

Along the line as I grew older and had access to a mobile. I encountered men who were great men, I may not have known their lifestyles but their messages showed their degree of wisdom and grace they carry. I loved their teachings , wished to have so much wisdom like them, but I've never practically tried to copy their style of teaching, dressing, walking, or taken them as a model. As much as I appreciate their messages, it was enough to learn from what they say, not until I had to act or do everything they do.

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I believe everyone is unique in their own way and this knowledge must have been the factor that had hindered me from making a role model. Having a role model isn't bad, I appreciate Myles Munroe, he's a man whom messages touches me, I honor apostle Joshua Selma, his messages have blessed me and so many others but the fact that every individual is unique in their own way had been a factor that had pulled me away from making or keeping role models. I believe my purpose is different but can learn from different people in my way to this purpose. I've never liked the idea of models when I learned some people go as far as learning how the person they model talk, walk, and dress. It doesn't allow us to show our uniqueness but if I was to consider anyone as a role model, it would have been Myles Munroe because of his sense of purpose, wisdom, and dedication.

This is a response to the Contest by the @qc-community. The contest is still valid for participation

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