3 Things I've learned over the past years

As we go through life we learn. From life's vicissitudes to our mistakes, we realize life isn't all we have imagined,change is constant and humans are imperfect. I may not have learned so much, but there are a few things that I have learned that help me remain a survivor.

First thing I've learned over the years is that "Not everyone is lucky". We have an adage that can be paraphrased as "someone may dance in the market and receive praise while another gets beaten instead". People who haven't come to this term about life seem to be bitter each time luck fails to fall on them. There are a few times I have been lucky, and also a few times luck has eluded me. This I have come to know is life and one can not be lucky always.

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The second thing I've learned in life is that "Life is your personal race, no one really cares what you do". I read a story of a man who at one point felt society cared about his decisions and what he does, so he tried to live in order to please people. When he turned 60, it was at that point he realized no one really cared about him, everyone had a demon they were fighting and really didn't care about what he did. So if one lives his life to please society, he'll be disappointed at the end to know no one truly cared about all he did.

Finally, change is constant. Nothing remains the same and can never remain the same. Opportunity comes and opportunity goes. Life happens to all and no one can be certain about tomorrow, all we have to make decisions is today. Aside from embracing change, one shouldn't be confident of tomorrow, and make double plans in case one fails.

And recently I got to learn that our future is a product of our daily decisions. The future doesn't just happen, it builds from the decisions we make today and everyday.

This is in response to the Contest by queercoin. It's still valid for participation

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