Weekly contest#34:love Is A Virtue That Should Be Cultivated By All

What do you understand by love?

Love is the act of compassion or affection towards one another, or love is the life wire of any relationship also love is kindness, endurance and forgiveness, it's over look offenses. love is a virtue that should be cultivated by all and be demonstrated in a practical way, when love is not demonstrated it is not love at all, love is not what you just say but what you do, (love without action is useless).

Love is mandated to everyone, because with love we can live in peace, it's brings unity between different individuals.

Express how you practical show love

Some practical ways on how I show love to my neighbor through forgiveness

On different occasions I have showed love to different people, i show love to the less prevelage in my city and I remember how i show my neighbor love through forgiveness I can see the relief in her face that moment I told her I forgive you. Because what she did to me was really painful, if not for the sacrifice of love I could have sue her to court, she couldn't believe it herself that i could forgive her even without her asking for it, that moment was really a new start between us.

Showing love by eating together

How do you know that you are loved

Yes, it was really thrilling to me when a friend of mine called me this morning and gave me few measure of rice telling me that somebody gave them and decided to share it with me saying that there is no little thing this days I immediately felt love and valued.

Easy way i followed in order to show love

The first thing I do when I meet people is learning to study them and know who the really are, in order to understand there personality and walk with them in love, because it has to do with your level of understanding also the word of God says love your neighbor as yourself, if you are not tolerant, honestly, showing love will be a very difficult thing because some people don't know how to talked, in short some people can be annoying with there attitude.


Love is unconditional,
love is without expecting anything in return,
it's a beautiful thing to show love to all that comes your way.

All pictures are mine.

Thanks for your time.

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