The Things I Love About Hive!

Image by @doze. Edited & created on Canva Pro

So I came across this contest thanks to @consciouscat. Her unconventional post was just her style. She can be really creative and you'd just be like, 'dayuuum' as you read on. Here is her "Unconventional post which I think you'd really love.

So, I know we have talked a lot about what we love about Hive. But erm, I think the more time we spend on this blockchain, the more reasons we find to just love up more. Yeah?

So what exactly do I love about Hive? Why am I still here? What keeps me coming back after months of silence? is one...

1. The Bustle.

Ever been where the life is just bubbling and getting into your spirit? Saturating your very soul no matter how dark it is? There is nothing like 'anti-social' on Hive! You either be 'social' or 'social be you'.

The life of this place is just contagious. It takes a lot to wake up excited about something. I wake up excited to check my Hive notifications because there is always something to look forward to. The comments, the creativity, the bonds... I can't have enough!!!


2. Change.

Hive allows room for growth. For change. I can bet that veterans who have been on Hive 2-5 years can attest to this. I have read them saying how they started writing so much or how they got a hold of their finances. It is beautiful to come across.

That tells me, I will get there. I am just 1 plus on Hive and I am going through the changes. I haven't gotten to the point where I can relatively dish out advice but I will get there someday.

Nothing makes me more hopeful that reading all these men and women talk about how they grew to the point of managing their finances inside and outside Hive. That is a milestone I know I will break.

Good Morning Hello GIF by Gruppo San Donato!

My Achilles heel (new word I learnt alert) has to be not being able to control my finances. You would think I would have it under control by now, but what do you know?

3. The Challenge

Hive has a lot of people. People from all walks of life. People who are something or the other. Experts in their field and I watch them. I may not make comments on their post anymore because I don't want to be labeled a 'stalker' but they are on my favorite's list. I get notified when they make a post and I just go to read because I truly enjoy their posts.

Watching these people excel in what they do fuels the hunger in me to become something of myself. Well who knew Hive can place you in such position? Isn't it just to be a place to monetize content?

Hehe. No😐. Not just that. The competition here is healthy and helps you thrive. People who have your best interest in mind while they continue to fuel your fire. That is it!

4. Monetization

See, Hive also gives you an opportunity to make money. No. It gives you the leverage above others and that is something to be grateful. Hive has so many projects that you can invest in, earn passively and build long term wealth.

Hive has the clear road map. You find yourself getting involved with things that try you and your mental. Trust me, it is not easy to believe much less invest in a blockchain. What is harder is being consistent with it and yet, we see people doing it here! So we can too.

Here. Have a drink before you go on.

Image by @doze

5. Not A One Way Thing

Hive isn't a one way thing. You can branch if you want to. There are so many dApps and so many opportunities. See, I haven't even taken full advantage yet. I told you. Still a little girl.

6. Relationships

You meet amazing people even 'not so amazing ones' but that is the great thing about life. You meet people, you learn from them and you move on or they stay.

Keeping relationships takes a lot of effort in real life. It is no different on Hive. When you meet people here and share a connection, it means you have to work for them to stay or perhaps blossom into something more.

We don't force it on Hive! It happens and I guess that is some form of lesson for the real world. I know.

7. The Hope

On Hive, I look forward to a lot. I have a lot of dreams in and out of Hive but I am not just dreaming. I am also working towards it. Goals outlined, action points noted and plans put in place.

I don't know what five years on Hive holds for me, but I am very sure of what I want to see and that is what I am gunning for.

These things keep me coming back to Hive. Well, and lots more but if I begin to outline them, I'd be writing a 'long ass' post that y'all gonna have issues reading. This is already long enough.

If you want to participate in the contest, click Here and read up the details.

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