Prioritize Yourself

Image by Anup Panthi from Pixabay

One of the biggest misconceptions about being selfish is that it means prioritizing your own needs above all else. This can lead people to believe that caring for themselves first automatically makes them selfish. This couldn't be further from the truth. While there may be instances where putting yourself first is necessary for your well-being, being selfish implies a consistent pattern of disregarding other people's needs for your own benefit.

On the other hand, practicing self-care means acknowledging and honoring your own needs while also considering others'. It involves setting healthy boundaries and learning to say no when necessary without feeling guilty or apologizing excessively. It also means recognizing that caring for yourself ultimately allows you to show up in a better way for those around you.

We are bombarded with messages that tell us we should always put others' needs before our own, and that selfishness is a negative trait. This societal stigma around prioritizing oneself can actually do more harm than good in our relationships and overall well-being.

Firstly, it's important to understand that prioritizing yourself doesn't mean neglecting or ignoring the needs of those around you. It simply means acknowledging your own needs and actively working towards meeting them. Just like how we are encouraged to put on our oxygen mask first in case of an emergency on an airplane, taking care of ourselves allows us to be in a better position to take care of others.

Furthermore, constantly putting others ahead of yourself can lead to burnout and resentment. When we don't make time for self-care and recharge our own batteries, we become emotionally drained and unable to fully show up for the people in our lives. This can result in strained relationships as we may not have the energy or capacity to meet their needs effectively.

On the other hand, when we prioritize ourselves, we are able to establish healthy boundaries and communicate clearly with those around us. This leads to more fulfilling and authentic relationships as both parties are able to express their needs without fear or guilt. By setting boundaries, we also avoid becoming overly reliant on others for validation or fulfillment which can put undue pressure on the relationship.

In addition, this can also lead to personal growth and development. When we take the time to focus on our own goals and passions, we become more confident, independent, and fulfilled individuals. This in turn positively impacts our relationships as we are able to bring our best selves to them.

It's important to note that prioritizing oneself doesn't mean completely disregarding the needs of others. It's about finding a healthy balance between our own needs and the needs of those around us. Taking care of ourselves enables us to be more present and compassionate for others.

In essence, putting ourselves first is not just okay but essential for our overall well-being and the health of our relationships. Rather than viewing it as a selfish act, we should see it as an act of self-love and self-care. Prioritizing oneself means understanding and respecting one's own limits and needs. This involves setting boundaries in relationships and communicating them clearly to others. When we prioritize ourselves, we send the message that our time and energy are valuable, which encourages others to respect our boundaries as well. In turn, this creates a healthier dynamic in relationships where both parties feel heard and respected.

Let our children not grow up in a terrible world. Together we can make it better. It is our destiny to
suffer from the past, to long for the future, but to forget the present.
Any unsourced images and writing are my own. Life is worth it!
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