Qc weekly contest #74. Am passionate about fashion

What are you passionate about and why do you like it so much?

When we talk about passion, it's something one have strong feelings for. Either learning a new career or what the person likes doing. It can also be implied in a relationship. One can have strong feelings or strong passion for the opposite sex. But here, we are talking about those things we are passionate about doing. Those thighs we drive joy from when we are doing them. Am passionate about so many things but their is one that i don't joke with and that's the one I want to share with you.

Am passionate about fashion

Fashion is one of the things am passionate about. I like looking good all the time because looking good is a good business just like we normally say here. This passion for fashion was in me right from infancy. Yeah, I can remember what my senior sister told me. She said, i qoute, that when i was a little child, i select the clothes they will wear me and, if they wore me the one that i didn't choose, i will cry throughout that day unless the clothes is being removed from my body, hahahaha. I see this passion becoming stronger and stronger as i grew up. So, when it comes for fashion, i rather remain hungry but get myself a new clothes or shoes.

You might wonder why am so passionate about fashion right? Don't be. I like it so much because, poeple will always respect you when you dress well and look good all the time. The way you appear is the way poeple grade you remember. So, being in a good fashion all the time will gain you some respect. It will attract poeple to you and can also give you good connections. Apart from that, i always feel comfortable when am good to go. That's why i like fashion to much.

Another thing is that, poeple will always see you as a rich person even when you are not. Just because you appear neat all the time. So, it doesn't necessarily means that I must buy all the clothes or shoes in the market rather, maintain the once I have in other to look good at all times.

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