QC Community Weekly Contest #69. My Life Motto.

In life, one needs to have a principle that governs him/her. In other words, it's known as life motto. Personally, I have my own principles that governs me. And that has affected my daily life positively. So, my life motto is not depending on anyone for help. Not that I don't accept help when is giving to me. But sometimes, disappointments might come from the trusted person because he is still imperfect being. I believe in struggling by myself hoping that my efforts will definitely yield good fruits.

I chosed this life motto because i was disappointed many times from the poeple that i trusted most. Instead of fulfiling their promises, they will make use of me and left me empty handed. Since then, i buckle up myself and make a decision to stand on my own. Growing up as a child, i noticed that my mom is a hustler and because she was independent, she gained respect from her husband and other family members. With all these in mind i decided not to depend or put my trust in someone for help.

This life motto haa helped me live the best of my life. I have trained myself to manage any condition i found myself into without complaining. I don't joke with opportunities that comes my way. Right now am not depending on anyone instead am my own boss. Because of my continuous effort, God has been blessing all my efforts.

Chosing this life Motto has made me a virtue woman instead of a liability. No one can proudly tell me without me you wouldn't have being where you are today when it comes for financial status. Because i got mad at myself when i don't have money and, I don't believe in asking or begging for help or money. Am happy making this post because i can feel more better and comfortable future for the life motto that i chosed. Am already succeeding and will trained my children to become independent. Coming to know Hive has helped me a lot to enjoy this life motto. In conclusion, one needs to have a principle that governs him. And once you focus, your life motto will definitely make you enjoy your life to the fullest.


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