QC Community Weekly Contest #43 - caelum1infernum

Hello everyone welcome to another Queercoin contest, this week topic below;

This week's topic:Distractions - What are your top distractions? How do you deal with them?

I'm actually surprise that distraction is the topic for this week because I'm struggling with distractions. Distractions has many forms and it depends on the individual as for me I get distracted by new information, opportunities, games, hive (yes hive), and so many others.

The way I deal with them is simple the moment you wake up do what you hate the most or the hardest task to do on a daily basis. What do I mean by that? for me when I wake up I will shower, brush teeth etc basically cleaning yourself up first, because It's a habit that I can't stop and it's a good habit so it is fine. Then I will update my hive basically replying to messages and keep myself updated with @actifit, Alive tribe and also Queercoin contest.

Then I proceed with the hardest task for me is to reach 10k activity point on a daily basis because 10k activity point is the highest reward you can achieve in your daily post for actifit but that is the second hardest part the hardest part is I need to lift weights, lifting weights is not counted as activity points in actifit in order for you to get points in actifit you need to move, jog, run etc as long as you're moving it will count. As for lifting weights I'm not going to hold my phone of put my phone in my pocket because it could risk crushing your phone in the process haha.

So how I deal with the distractions is if i feel tired or lazy I do the hardest task first even before I open my laptop or check my phone sometimes the moment I wake up showered and straight to jog because I don't really eat when I wake up I usually eat after 2 to 5 hours after I wake up just drink water the whole time till I feel hungry.

Anyway I guess that's all on how to deal with distractions just do what hate the most and you will have a productive day and stay healthy in the process.
Thank you for reading.

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