QC Community Weekly Contest #41 - caelum1infernum

Another week Queercoin weekly contest!

This week's topic:
Work - What is your job and what is the best part of it?

My job well let's start from the beginning when I started working I was 15 years old was working in the treebark factory job is easy, just collect the bark and put it in the sack and load it in the truck, believe it or not I was a naughty kid save up money to buy cigarette lol!

My first real career started when i was 17 years old as a waiter slowly I got a promotion when I was 19 as a barista/bartender then promoted to supervisor when I reach 20 years old I was promoted as a outlet manager.

My job is to delegate work to the right person, example I make sure the boys do the heavy lifting, clean the harder to clean stuff like high windows, fix broken doors, change lightbulb (yes in restaurant we don't just serve customers we do basically everything) set up sound systems as well and usually I let the men do night shift because it's dangerous for women to go out late night we close at 2am or more depending if the customers we cannot chase away customers most of the time. As for the girls focus more on customer service, cleaning, cashier, work morning shift or afternoon shift because it's safer etc the reason why I delegate according to gender because it's scientifically proven that women are more organize than men and also more detailed they see small things that we do not see. As for men we are more industrious we execute when given orders just get the job done either it's perfect or not it doesn't matter as long as its done.

Of course to create a more detailed approach you have to learn, men can be organized as well it's a skill that needs to be learned and create habit, that's why we see we do not call waiters waiters anymore we call them professionals or butler etc. anyway I think I'm off topic haha.

The best part of my job is training people I love to train I'm sure some of you know my previous work was a senior barista I was teaching my junior barista how to make mocktails (non alcoholic cocktails) and also Specialty coffee with the espresso machine. I love when students or junior is asking me multiple questions because when they keep asking questions you tend to learn as well as a teacher because some of the questions they ask you never thought of and its perfect. No matter how you mastered a certain skill there is always more to learn. The second best part of my job is you get to meet beautiful people, no I don't mean beautiful girls and handsome men (well you get to see that too oops) customers or guests that have a beautiful heart, kind and respectful to you sometimes you even made friends with them and talk for hours.

There's one time one guest from Europe invited me to his home to teach him how to use the espresso machine (yeah he has an espresso machine at home!) it was a huge house he treat me as a guest which is weird because I meet him almost daily at the shop but here he is serving me coffee and biscuits we had wonderful conversation. Yup if you're lucky and good at your job you will meet beautiful people like this.

That's the best part of my job hope you all enjoyed this one, after I read this I sound like an old man haha. Thank you for reading.

Pictures made with Canva, QC logo from @Queercoin

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