Tips to defeat loneliness. Qc prompt #95.

Pleasant greetings to you all. Welcome to my blog 🤗.

The #queercoin prompt for the week is quite a serious one as medical statistics show that loneliness is one of the factors that lead to early mortality. Loneliness is not a nice feeling and if you have anyone you suspect to be in that state, please do all you can to get in their space. Do not overlook the feeling of loneliness or even try to downplay it.

image is mine

The feeling of loneliness was initially thought to stem from the emotions but psychological studies have proven that it first begins in the mind. The individual imagines that he or she is all alone in this world and as time progresses, that imagination becomes a thought and later manifests through the emotions and physically presents its signs which are recognizable. One key sign is isolation.

Sometimes, loneliness can be a response to a trauma, in order to protect the mind or numb it from the pain associated with such trauma. Traumas like rape, physical and emotional abuse and so on can lead to such a negative response in the victims.

Is loneliness the same as being alone?

No! Being alone is quite different from loneliness. Wanting to be alone is usually a temporary fix in order to get over something, cool off or get over a troubling issue and this is also termed social isolation whereas loneliness is a state of the mind. A person can be surrounded by people, even family and yet that person is extremely lonely. What really occurs with loneliness is that the individual pictures himself or herself as being alone in a large space with no one to talk to. While every human might have passed through a phaee of loneliness, it is not advisable to remain in that state as it can lead to suicidal thoughts and tendecies.

My candid advice

The key to overcoming loneliness is to change the mental process by conscious effort. This ain't magic, so it won't be automatic but with consistency and effort, loneliness will dissipate. Once loneliness has been identified in a person, that person should be administered with huge doses of love and care so as to show that person that he or she is not alone.

There are also practical steps to take to help one overcome loneliness and they are;

#1. Avoid isolation or isolating yourself.*

Contrary to general speculation, introverts are not lonely people. Introverts just like space but they still socialize when it is needed. They also mingle even if it is once in a while. So also a person that is feeling lonely should force himself or herself to interact. Theres no rush, start gradually but by all means, start!

#2. Feed your mind positively.

This could include listening to good uplifting music, reading wholesone books or simply listening to daily positive affirmations that strenghten the mind. Exercising is also helpful in shapening the mind. Go for early morning jogs.

#3. Live in gratitude.
Expressing gratitude for the things we have acquired and will still acquire has a way of lifting and changing emotional states Appreciating oneself for the little wins and accomplishments builds a healthy state of mimd which can drive away loneliness.

#4. * Surround yourself with friends*

Watch movies with friends or simply call up your friends to have a chit chat with. Go on bicycle rides with friends or a long car rides. Do what makes you feel good and happy. Also, that person should be vulnerable enough to share what they aree going through with friends, so that they can be cared for to overcome loneliness.

Lastly, this is for severe cases, go for therapy. Get medical help from experts who can assist you in overcoming the state of loneliness. Loneliness is more than a feeling, it is a state of mind.

Thank you all for reading..shalom

photo by pixabay

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